The Widow and the Tree.
Wood engraving by Barry Moser.
Pennyroyal Press, 2009. 14 ¼ x 12 5/8 inches, 50 copies. Printed letterpress by Art Larson on Zerkall Book smooth.

“Moser cut this large (10 ¼ x 7 ½ inches) engraving on Resingrave. Printing this block was a real challenge. There were a large variety of textures and contrasting light and dark areas to be rendered carefully. Many of the lines were very fine and very shallow, making the amount of ink applied absolutely critical. I lightly dampened the Zerkall paper, which allowed me to get a richer black with less ink. Another key to getting a beautiful print was a painstaking make-ready of five layers of onion-skin overlay.” —AL

Baskin Oresteia     Kuch Disasters 1     Moser Tree